Monday, October 24, 2011

Clock Zero Review

Alright, let's face the facts.  I am a big fan of otome games.  A big big fan...that is not to say that I like most of the otome games I played...but when you stumble across the good ones...boy, you can savour them for a long time.  And, since I had no PS2, I had to wait until Clock Zero came out on the PSP to play it.
And let's just say...Clock Zero is definitely one of those games where you want to savour it.  The story was interesting despite the fact that I do not like sci-fi, the characters were well thought out and not all macho like some other otome games, and the graphics were pretty good as well.  One of my favorite elements is definitely the music though.  Just listening to "Soshite Mata, Koko Kara" makes me wanna cry...
But, enough blabbing about my own opinions, since I'm super bored these days despite the fact that I have midterms...LOL, I'll start translating Clock Zero for funsies.
BTW, I know 3 languages, Chinese, Japanese, and English.  My primary language is English but I speak Chinese pretty fluently as well.  As for Japanese...I learned that all by myself so I can't say I'm the best at it.  But I do try.
Let's start translating then!

1 comment:

  1. You're translating it?! Amazing...(it must be a lot of work) O_O
